• The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Damascus knives for sale have become increasingly popular in the UK in recent years. The name is derived from the city in Syria where they originated centuries ago, and the history of the knives can be traced back to the fifth century AD. During that time, Syria was ruled by great kings and...
    The Damascus Knives is one of the most famous knives in the world and their popularity never declines. Even with the popularity, it's a challenge for anyone to get their hands on a real Damascane steel pattern knife. However, I'm here to tell you that you can buy a decent steel pattern knife from...
    The Damascus Knives is not the simplest of knives to manufacture. They take time to shape properly and are made of high carbon stainless steel. As to the quality of such a knife, it really depends on quite a few factors; The kind(s) of metals used and how skilled the craftsmen are. All the best...